Monday 10 April 2017

MT's Snow and my empty Snow

"Whether I reach the goal
or am felled by death midway
I shall keep marching, my heels
Grinding all the thorns in the path" <3 <3
A poem which my Father taught in my mother tongue Malayalam during my school days for an Extempore event on behalf of a 'kaviyarangu'.The poem was made immortal by none other than the creator of My Preceptor(Ente Gurunathan). The other day I happened to come across the translation of these lyrics from an Orient Longman book which I have copied from my alma mater,Hyderabd Central University .. Anakha Ajith- Thanks, Meenukutty for getting me this book last time without forgetting it. Keep it up! waiting for more gifts and stuffs plus vice versa. These lyrics made me stupefy for a while- in wonder, excitement, apprehension, anticipation,sublimity? I do not know but one thing I am cocksure is I yearn to freeze the moments of euphoria and these words keep on inspiring me just like the way my utmost loving Achan remains a constant source of inspiration in my 'on the roads' mode life. 
Anakha Ajith- It is a matter of ecstasy to have a glimpse of some intimate lines of mine which I used to fondle from my tenth standard examination break.Here comes the significance of your Amma - my Amma girl - yes, M T Vasudevan Nair's Snow(Manju)- I guess this is the first classic novels which Amma has brought for me from her office library and thereby opening a world of time( a stagnant expanse of water like the Naini Tal lake). Looking forward is equally human and that is why I keep on moving with the incurable malady of hope always and as as usual. Anakha Ajith - I recollect the words of a guy who studied with me in my Masters at University of Hyderabad(Hope you got the person as well as the name). As I was always considered a laughing stock by some 'great' tom, dick and harry saying 'I follow the pattern of stream of consciousness technique, I don't feel anything bad though these days.Yes Meenu, if I follow the stream of consciousness mode, wayward drifting of memories and the panorama of past landscape, my parents will only be responsible as you mention off and on.I am honoured to be a hyper pampered and spoiled girl of my parents.hehehehe.Always indebted- If somebody recognizes you by your face, you feel happy.But if somebody recognizes you by saying he/she has met you over there and somebody remembers you by the name of the topic and paper you have presented out of innumerable candidates, that will mean a lot( for me). 
Anirudhan Sir- Feeling delighted in that way especially when I am becoming a part of the 'unaccustomed earth.MT's empty snow keep on instilling the hopes and hopelessness of my life. Vimala and Buddu render the facades of my 'rising rain'.Last but not the least, my late Granny who taught me the English alphabet, nursery rhymes, mathematics table and ......... Above all, the smile with which she cared and loved us though her inner pangs were only hers and hers. But something is in store for my cute granny who did not forget to mention me at her last breath.My vast treasure house of stories crave for a lowland.. Lahiri's lowland or my Arundhati Roy's ministry of utmost happiness? Jaani na! Anakha mol- count down begins. Diasporic 'avial' aaya namaha!
Ready, steady, go for the 'snow'- A night delight from the leaflet of Banaras Hindu University(Kashi Viswa Vidyalaya)

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